onsdag 30. mars 2016

TMX - The Center Screen

Tesla with a new improved battery ?

Rumors are swirling that Tesla is working on a new and bigger battery. This means that Model S and Model X will come with a new top model. Time will tell if there is truth to those rumors !! The battery pack 70D for Model X and S were away from Tesla Web site a few hours. This created lots of speculation on prices might be adjusted on the Model S after Tesla Model 3 comes out.

tirsdag 29. mars 2016

Seat height: BMW X5 vs. Model X

First row
99.8 cm - X5
105.9 cm - TMX

Second row
99.1 cm - X5
103.9 cm - TMX

Third row
XX.X cm - X5
94.2 cm - TMX

mandag 28. mars 2016

Dimensions: BMW X5 vs. Model X

Comparing BMW X5 MSport 2011 model (X5) with Tesla Model X (TMX). The pictures are pretty good aligned, so you visually can see the difference. The X5 is 18 cm shorter than the TMX, but is 15 cm taller.

485 cm - X5
503 cm - TMX

193 cm - X5 wo/mirrors 
207 cm - TMX wo/mirrors 

220 cm - X5 w/mirrors
227 cm - TMX w/mirrors 

178 cm - X5
163 cm - TMX

torsdag 24. mars 2016

TMX - Towing hitch vs Accessory Hitch

After several phone calls and email with Tesla Norway it was finally clear what the configuration page really is saying. One can book the hitch or you can order the 5 cm load carrier. A Carrier is only an attachment to a hitch that must be purchased later stage at Tesla or another carrier manufacturer. If you choose the tow hitch package you get towing hitch and the 5 cm load carrier. Again, ski/bike carrier has to be ordered after the vehicle has been received, but it's quick delivery they say :)

TOCN - A good informative website

You should visit the TOCN webpage. It is very informative.(www.tocn.no). Many good posts in there that answers a lot of questions. Ex it shows how the configuration page for Model X look like. So for you that haven't ordered the TMX yet, that is helpful:

Model X Studio

onsdag 23. mars 2016

TMX top 10 - Norwegian

On Brooms website you can read about the top 10 finesse about TMX. Worth looking at.

Broom topp 10 for TMX

Tesla Summon i Norge

During the Monday show, we were told that Summon now was legal in Norway. Meaning that we can park and drive our Tesla in and out of the Garage/Carport without being in the car. If the software controlling the door in your garage is compatible with Tesla software, the t Tesla can open and close the garage door for you.

News on Summon

tirsdag 22. mars 2016

Autopilot Summon - What is it

What is Tesla Summon:
The new software update, the version 7.1.1 will let your Tesla drive and park itself within a limited range. To park the car you would have to start approx 12 meters from where you want to park it, but in a quite straight line. The software update will also let your car drive out of the parking and stop when you want to.

A lot of cool YouTube uploadings where the owners demonstrate the summon in action. Check the YouTube yourself!!!

TMX - Elektroniske bakseter

Det er noen finesser som TMX'en har som ikke Model S har. Utenom det innlysende, FalconWing dørene, så har TMX elektronisk bakseter. Hvert sete på rad to har elektronisk justerbarhet forover og bakover. Veldig praktisk!!

TMX - Høyde under tak

Tesla Model S fikk litt kritikk for å ha dårlig takhøyde for seterad 2. Helt greit for normalt høye mennesker, men straks man ble over 180 cm på sokkelesten begynte man å kjenne taket i håret. I TMX har de løst dette godt. Pilen peker på et vindu i Falcon wing døren som da står rett over hode for de som sitter på yttersetene på seterad to. En person på 190 cm satt fint her. På bilde sitter jeg. Jeg er 181 cm. Dere ser kanten rett bak hodet mitt som viser takhøyden for personen som vil sitte i midten, da denne personen sitter under der FalconWing dørene har forankring. For barn og for barn i barnesete så er det ikke noe problem slik vi så det på visningen.

På tredje seterad er det imponerende god plass. Personen på bilde er 203 cm høy (fakta). Han får hode stikkene opp og vil antagelig få bagasjeromsdøren rett i hode :) For en person på 180 cm vil det ikke være noe problem å sitte her. Med litt justering på setene på andre og første rad, så blir det behagelig plass for alle. Dette testet vi og det var imonerende å se tre voksne på tre rader sitte godt i en bil som ikke var minibuss eller lignende.

TMX - Luftinntak og filter

Tesla har installert et luftfilter som de sier er ti ganger så stort og bra som hos typiske konkurrenter. Ifølge Elon Musk gjør dette filteret en 800 ganger bedre jobb enn normalt for de minste partiklene, og 300 ganger bedre for de største. Luftinntaket på TMX'en er nederst på fronten der man ser et rimelig stort inntak for luft.

TMX - FalconWing doors

The Falcon Wing doors (also called Måkevinger (Seaguwings) in Norway) is the most outstanding feature on the new Tesla. These doors have had a lot of negative AND positive criticism lately, latest (March) being the complaints about the doors not opening and sensors on the doors Not stopping the door from hitting obstacles.....

TMX - Second seat row

Under the second seat row, there is room for shopping bags, but also children skis. The second seat row is said to have the best seats in any car on the marked. They are as comfy as the first row. The second row has individual seats and are electric adjustable. During the viewing of the first TMX in Norway, we filled the car tall adults in all seats and tested the space for everybody. It went well without anybody feeling cramped. Even the persons in seat 6 and 7 had sufficient space.

Storage in Model X

The space in the back storage room in the Model X is excellent. Compared to the space in the BMW X5, the Tesla Model X (TMX) has more space. Since the BMW X5 keep the roof height all the way back, the storage room has better height. The Tesla Model X is more wide and deeper than the X5, and regain the volume from that. If you chose a 5-seat or a 6-seat TMX, the space available will increase further. A 6-seater TMX will give you space in between the seats and storage for ski is possible. In the storage room in front, your golfbag or your weekly grocery shopping can be stored.

First Model X in Norge

Tesla Model X in Norway - First official viewing 21.March