lørdag 3. september 2016

First "long" drive with the X

Going to the mountain cabin this weekend. My wife, my two boys, baggage and me. The battery was charged to 283 km when we started. Had forgotten to charge it to the full 374 km (Typical setting, and not Rated which is 462 km. Rated used for totally flat terrain- ex. in Denmark). To Veggli it is 149 km. Veggli is situated at 233 meters above sea level, so not a big climb. From Veggli to the cabin at Veggli mountain at 850 moh (meters above sea level), it is then a 620 meters climb in just 11 km. This last part is the big question in battery drainage. I did not drive economic. Really used the acceleration several times :) At Veggli before the last climb, the battery had been reduced to 117 km. That's 166 km for the X during 149 km. The last climb is only 11 km, but arriving at the cabin, the battery ended on 80 km. That's 37 km for the X during 11 km. The battery using approximately four times the real distance. So for the total of 160 km to the cabin, I used 200 km of battery. Next time I will try economic driving to see how much I save :)