onsdag 22. februar 2017

Tesla customer service

Tesla has received a lot of criticism for hardware defects and software errors. Since Tesla is a car with quite new technology and Tesla company, as a car producer on a global level, has just started, it's not surprisingly that the first models need improvements. All car companies have problems with new models. Remember Audi when they first introduced Q7.

Now I want focus on the Tesla service people. The first in line service crew. Customer reception and service advisors. They send frequent emails to remind us about the appointment. They meet us when we deliver our car, and they smile, are polite and patient, even though we can be annoyed because we shouldn't be there with a brand new car, with a price tag of over $100.000.

From the Facebook TMX Norway group, the Tesla X owners tell the same positive experience they've had with service people from Tesla service stations in Norway. My personal experience is with the Tesla Skøyen in Oslo. A pleasant experience from when I drive my TMX in, until I drive out again. 

Tesla service stations know about the problems. They are here to fix it, and from my experience with Tesla Skøyen, they strive to help the customer. Please give some GOOD feedback to your Tesla service station !! They earned it !! (at least in Norway) :)