tirsdag 25. oktober 2016

Falcon wing door with snow and ice

The 5 cm of snow is not much on the Falcon wing doors. But it could block the sensors or hinder the door from opening, like it did for the trunk. Testing testing...

mandag 24. oktober 2016

Dew on side window

This was a bit disappointing. Temperature difference outside vs inside the Tesla is 24 Cdeg. In my previous car, BMW X5, this was not a problem. Here I experience problem with looking in the side mirror. The window also seem to get little air (climate control) to get dry. Can't control this. Will investigate if Tesla has a solution!!

Tesla on snow - good feeling

Driving my TMX on snow covered mountain road for the first time. It was a good feeling. My winter tires are Nokian Hakkapeliitta. These are very good. Also standard for the TMX in Norway. The TMX is a heavy car. So sliding off icy roads is my worst fear. But the feeling this time was good. And nice to know that the TMX is a 4WD :)

søndag 23. oktober 2016

Pre-Heat your Tesla !

During our weekend at the mountain cabin, the Tesla was covered in ice and 5 cm snow. Seeing how the ice covered around the window, resulting in a possible problem for the window to not go down before the front door opens up. This has damage doors earlier on Tesla cars.

Therefore: During winter I will turn off the "auto open" front door and I will warm up the Tesla for 15 min before I plan to use it if it's covered with snow. Warming up the Tesla also makes the removal of snow and ice much easier :)

Ice and Snow on TMX

The mountains in Norway are getting white with more and more snow. So it's time to test the Tesla Model X in these conditions. This weekend, my TMX was covered with 5 cm of snow, with ice-droplets under the snow. This affected the trunk sensors, maybe it thinks there is an obstacle holding it back, but it could also the weight of snow bringing the trunk to sudden close again.

Fully autonomous

Tesla announced on Wednesday that from now on all of its electric cars will be built with the components required to turn them into fully autonomous vehicles at a later date. Now chief executive, Elon Musk, has released a video showing what that really means. The car drives itself from A to B, and parks itself after the driver has left the car. Tesla cars already produced will not be able to get this update. The new cars will have new hardware that is required when the fully autonomous feature comes at a later date. personally, that is fine with me. I like to drive the Tesla myself :)

tirsdag 11. oktober 2016

Time for Winter tires

Got my winter tires today from Tesla at Rud. Went straight to Dekkspesialisten at Skøyen where they could change my tires straight away. They also have Tire-Hotel (Dekkhotell). Dekkspesialisten is situated just beside Tesla Skøyen. They know Tesla :) I also ordered to paint the summer tires wheel rim black. It will look nice. White X with totally black tires&trim :)


Just three months after introducing the Model X 60D, Tesla has cut the model, which had a lower driving range than other Model Xs, but a sensible starting price of about $74,000. But Even with a low starting price, the model probably didn't sell very well, so Tesla cancelled it. That's the rumor!

Read more:

søndag 9. oktober 2016

Battery vs. Climate heating

Woke up this morning with a car that had -0.7 degC. -2 degC outside. Started heating the X up before planned "takeoff" :) When reaching 22 degC inside, which was fast, the battery had gone from 322 km to 315 km. Lost 0.7 km due to heating. Car was not plugged in. The TMX was just upgraded to version 8.0.

"Keep'n the juice"

Medium cold in the Mountains in southern Norway, and freezing this morning. Checking how the battery acts during 10 hours from 4 degC to -2 degC this morning. Inside TMX temperature went from 4 degC to -0.7 degC. Battery kept almost constant. Will do this again for lower temperatures during winter. Can go down to -20 degC up here. Will warm up the X to 20 degC, will see how that affect the battery.

torsdag 6. oktober 2016

Obstacle detected - nothing there

The last week, a ghost obstacle is following Tessa and me constantly. My front door (driver side) opens just 10 cm, and warn me about an obstacle. There is nothing there. The same for the FWD on the driver side. So according to my X, the whole left side has an obstacle blocking for the doors to open 100%. Hoped it would go away, but think now that I have to contact the Ghostbusters (read: Tesla service). Will update this post.....

To the cabin: 6 C to 1 C

Again I am going to the mountain cabin this weekend. Like 3.September. But I am driving alone in my Tesla Model X. And temperature is close to 0 Celsius (32 F). The battery was charged to 333 km when I started. To Veggli it is 149 km, and then 11 km more to the cabin. Veggli is situated at 233 meters above sea level, so not a big climb. From Veggli to the cabin at Veggli mountain at 850 moh (meters above sea level), it is then a 620 meters climb in just 11 km.

I did not drive economically. Really used the acceleration several times from Oslo to Veggli. Still driving like when I had my BMW X5. At Veggli before the last climb, the battery had been reduced to 151 km. That's 182 km for the X during 149 km. The last climb is only 11 km, but arriving at the cabin, the battery ended on 112 km. That's approx 40 km for the X during 11 km. The battery using approximately four times the real distance. So for the total of 160 km to the cabin, I used 221 km of battery on 160 km.

This is 21 km more than last time (10% increase). I am alone in the car. But the biggest difference is the temperature. 6 degC in Oslo, 1 degC at the cabin (degC = degree Celsius, 1 Celcius = 33.8 Fahrenheit).

søndag 2. oktober 2016

Ghosting in Norway

(Picture from internet) Just a fem days after receiving my Tesla Model X Oslo, Norway, I immediately noticed double lights from cars coming towards me. New straight away what I was, due to several cases in US where owners have reported double vision and gotten new front windshield. Talking to Tesla Norway, they said straight away that this we will fix. Tesla uses Hurtigruta Carglass in Oslo To change Tesla front windshield. What my contact person didn't know was that Hurtigruta has not trained their guys to change the Tesla X windshield yet. So now I have to wait, until they get the expertise :) But at least, Tesla Norway have said that they will change it, and that's reassuring!! I think I am the first in Norway to ask for this, so really hope they do an excellent job first time :)

Why we get double vision: WIRED.COM explains