lørdag 12. november 2016

Tesla Model X driving in -14 C

Early in October, I drove to my cabin in the temperature range: 1-6 °C (34-43 °F). Then I used 221 km on the battery on the diving distance 160 km. Today I drove from Oslo to the cabin in the temperature range -10 to -14 °C (7-14 °F). The point here is that I started on a battery which had 309 km left in Oslo. At the cabin, I had 89 km left. So had used 220 km on 160 km. This is exactly the same as in October where the temperature was on the plus side. A bit surprised about not using more battery, for ex heating. This tells me that the battery is well protected!!! Next time we try this will be in the
-C (7-14 °F).